Read / Listen

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Method Documentation

All reads done by Firestore-Extended is using snapshotChanges().

This is done for the following reasons:

  • Allows the user to listen for changes to the document / collection being read / listened to, making sure the data is always up to date.
  • Gives access to additional data that can be added to the data being read, such as:
    • id: string => the id of the document
    • ref: DocumentReference => the Firestore document reference
    • path: string => A string representing the path of the referenced document (relative to the root of the database).
    • isExists: boolean => False if document does not exist, applicable when DocNotExistAction.RETURN_ALL_BUT_DATA is used.

These properties are added as the property firestoreMetadata to the returned object when a document is read but will not be saved to firestore. An object of type T that contains the additional firestoreMetadata has the type FireItem<T>.

FireItem is the type that is returned by all methods that return data from firestore.

Listen for Document with sub collections.
listenForRestaurantById$(restaurantId: string): Observable <FireItem<RestaurantItem>> {
    const docRef: DocumentReference <RestaurantItem> = getDocRefWithId(this.restaurantCollectionRef, restaurantId);
    return this.firestoreExt.listenForDoc$<RestaurantItem>(docRef, restaurantSubCollectionQueries);
If you do not with to listen for changes and instead just get the firestore data once, you can use take(1):
getRestaurantById$(restaurantId: string): Observable <FireItem<RestaurantItem>> {
    const docRef: DocumentReference <RestaurantItem> = getDocRefWithId(this.restaurantCollectionRef, restaurantId);
    return this.firestoreExt.listenForDoc$<RestaurantItem>(docRef, restaurantSubCollectionQueries).pipe(
        take(1) // this makes sure that the observable stops after returning
Listen for Collection without listening for sub collections, notice the Partial:
listenForRestaurants$(): Observable <FireItem<Partial<RestaurantItem>> [] > {
    return this.firestoreExt.listenForCollection$<RestaurantItem>(this.restaurantCollectionFs);
Sub Collection Queries used in the examples.

SubCollectionQuery documentation

const restaurantSubCollectionQueries: SubCollectionQuery[] = [
  // add reviews sub Collection to restaurant object
    name: 'reviews',
    queryConstraints: [
  { // add dishes sub Collection to restaurant object
    name: 'dishes',
    subCollectionQueries: [
      {name: 'images'} // add images sub Collection to dish object
Models used in the examples.
export interface RestaurantItem {
  name: string;
  category: string;
  averageReviewScore: number;
  address: AddressItem;
  dishes?: DishItem[]; // optional so that we can get just the base object to display in a list
  reviews?: ReviewItem[]; // optional so that we can get just the base object to display in a list

export interface AddressItem {
  zipCode: string;
  city: string;
  line1: string;

export interface DishItem {
  name: string;
  images: ImageItem[];

export interface ImageItem {
  url: string;

export interface ReviewItem {
  score: number;
  text: string;
  userName: string;

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