
For a working demo checkout: Demo, or Code

Method Documentation

Works basically the same as adding documents in that the data can be split up into child collections and documents if specified in the SubCollectionWriters.

Update Document
editRestaurant$(restaurant: FireItem<RestaurantItem>, data: UpdateData<Partial<RestaurantItem>>): Observable<void> {
    return this.firestoreExt.update$(data, restaurant.firestoreMetadata.ref, restaurantSubCollectionWriters);
Sub Collection Writers used in the examples.

SubCollectionWriter documentation

const restaurantSubCollectionWriters: SubCollectionWriter[] = [
  { name: 'reviews' }, // make reviews a sub collection
    name: 'dishes',  // make dishes a sub collection
    subCollectionWriters: [ // sub collection inside a sub collection
      {name: 'images'} // make images a sub collection inside dishes

const restaurantSubCollectionQueries: SubCollectionQuery[] = [
  // add reviews sub Collection to restaurant object
    name: 'reviews',
    queryConstraints: [
  { // add dishes sub Collection to restaurant object
    name: 'dishes',
    subCollectionQueries: [
      {name: 'images'} // add images sub Collection to dish object
Models used in the examples.
export interface RestaurantItem {
  name: string;
  category: string;
  averageReviewScore: number;
  address: AddressItem;
  dishes?: DishItem[]; // optional so that we can get just the base object to display in a list
  reviews?: ReviewItem[]; // optional so that we can get just the base object to display in a list

export interface AddressItem {
  zipCode: string;
  city: string;
  line1: string;

export interface DishItem {
  name: string;
  images: ImageItem[];

export interface ImageItem {
  url: string;

export interface ReviewItem {
  score: number;
  text: string;
  userName: string;

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